1) Born into a family of spiritualists attending seances where mediums reached out to the departed to bring back messages of comfort and hope was common place. Sadly, I didn’t inherit the gift of talking to dead people, but I did inherit an insatiable curiously to learn more about spirituality, religion and the meaning in life.

The Moon Fix

The Moon Fix

2) I left school at 16 with a very poor set of grades. I didn’t adjust well to school. I got a job as a care assistant in a hospice but because I enjoyed learning I did my A levels via correspondence. To my surprise - and everyone else’s too - I gained the necessary grades to read Theology at Kings College Cambridge University.

3) My dream was to become a nun or the first female priest and I considered my options but while at University I fell in love with every religion seeing them all as paths to the same source - spirit, or the force of unconditional love.

4) Before being published in my own right I was a ghost writer for some house hold names as well as celebrity life style gurus. The success of those books encouraged my editor to let me write about my passion - new age and personal growth.

5) One Sunday I was having a cup of tea and reading the Sunday Times. Being an author I always read the top 10 and nearly fell off my seat when I saw my name there at number 9 for An Angel Called My Name. I didn’t look back from that moment and since then have written over 50 books and Encyclopedias translated into 40 languages. I’m a serial spiritual writer.

6) I love to bring spirituality to new audiences and have engaged in lively debates with Piers Morgan on GMTV and with Russell Brand on episode 71 of Under the Skin. I have also collaborated with scientists and neuroscientists to show skeptics that the science of consciousness really is proving that the gap between science and spirit is closing fast.

7) In these uncertain times finding simple and empowering ways to raise our spiritual vibration and find deeper meaning amid the chaos and grief is needed as never before. Tuning into lunar power can boost mood and well-being amd it’s the subject of my latest title: The Moon Fix. My love affair with the moon began as a child when I would sit on my window sill and talk to the moon. Knowing she was always there for me was and is a huge comfort.


Read more from Theresa Cheung HERE