Love – Go on a love rampage, find things every day you can say the words I LOVE in front of, from your cosy bed first thing in the morning to the sun shining to things people do for you. Include what you love about you. Appreciating yourself, those around you, things around you and what people do for you is all about filling your love tank with appreciation and joy.
Imagine – Use your imagination to create goals and pictures of perfect scenarios you would like in the future. Having things in the future to look forward to helps us enjoy the present and love life now. Cut out pictures from magazines or make images in your mind, always give your mind something positive to look forward to.
Presence – Find time every day to be present in the moment, use meditation or mindfulness to create five minutes of you time, quiet the mind and just breathe and enjoy the moment. If you’re with someone turn off your phone and just be in their presence, listening wholeheartedly and savouring the moment as if there is nowhere else you need to be.
Step In – If you have a huge idea, goal or task never focus on the whole its overwhelming. Know you have only the very next small step to take, just one tiny step each time.
Trust – Your intuition will always guide you when you listen and trust it. Those butterflies in your stomach or second take or something not feeling right is your sign it’s your intuition. Trust yourself.
Invite Others In –Ask, ask, ask. There is someone somewhere who has the answers your looking for right now, they want to help. Let others in and ask for help when you need it.
Confidence –. Confidence is a link between the mind and the body, if your mind isn’t saying the right things use your body to talk to your mind, stand like a confident person and say the words I’m confident and strong, your mind listens, your body responds and you create a confident loop.
Keep it Simple – You are in control of the most important thing – your mind. When your mind starts with worry thoughts, watch them like a movie, notice how that movie makes you feel. If it makes you feel bad as worry thoughts will, change the movie. Give it a happy ending where everything works our perfectly. It’s impossible to worry when you imagine something turning out perfectly. Those worry thoughts in your mind are things that haven’t happened yet and likely never will, so empower your mind, let go of worry, live in the moment and love life.
Amanda Brown has been creating award-winning coaching programs for over a decade working with women across the globe. She developed the LIPSTICK Principles as a simple set of game-changing strategies to help women decide what they want and make it happen. What is truly transformational about her approach is the core guiding principle that underpins it all: taking fear out of the driving seat and replacing it with love.
The LIPSTICK Principles: Let go of worry and fear, live in the moment and love life is published by Practical Inspiration Publishing 21st November, £12.99.