Get Published on Female First

Get Published on Female First

I can be who I like here, a small fish in an ocean of information.

I can pick and choose what to believe, what to share.

A speck in cyberspace, my reality is my own; adventures in transformation.

Daily life is the tyranny of the mundane; prescribed and programmed

to maintain the status quo. Wheels within wheels, conspiracies within conspiracies:

phrase it as one might. Money rules, as day falls to night, whatever one says.

Trust nothing; question all. The louder they thunder,

The further they have to fall. Beware the insidious,

“a small moment of your time, please, it’s a special one-off offer”.

Call within the next ten minutes. We will fleece you dry.

We’ve assessed you, measured you; calculated your worth;

Have been doing so, since your birth.

Here, I can be who I like here: a king or a clown; witty and clever,

cynical or droll. Dance and parade; look incalculably wise.

Beyond your greedy grasp, enjoy the spontaneity; let’s not unduly analyse.

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