To celebrate the release of her new book The Innocent Wife, author Amy Lloyd tells us a bit about herself.

Amy Lloyd By Laura Lewis
- I entered my first writing competition when I was six with a short story that borrowed liberally from the St. Trinian’s series. I dictated while my mum typed it up on a Brother word processor, a fatal mistake as it turned out to be a handwriting competition. I was awarded a consolation prize for being an idiot.
- A few years later when I had finally recovered from the blow I entered a poetry writing competition, only to be beaten to first place by my sworn enemy. I had to watch her collect a trophy shaped like a tiny chair from Tony Blair, who visited our school for the occasion.
- I was on holiday in Florida when I learned that my book – which is set in Florida - had been shortlisted for the Daily Mail competition.
- I was once on Top of the Pops on Christmas day in 1999, dancing on stage to The Offspring Pretty Fly (For a White Guy).
- I was in a music video for Joan As Policewoman. I am the one who spits.
- As a teenage goth I loved nothing more than sitting at home reading true crime books about serial killers.
- For a while I trained with the Tiger Bay Brawlers roller derby team. I was terrible at it.
- I absolutely love a TV show called Nathan For You and I wish more people watched it so I could talk about it all the time.
- I have a blog where I write important pieces about socks and assertiveness.
- I have two proper cats called Henry VIII and Sheldon and one guest cat called Aniseed. Also I ran out of interesting things to say at number 7.

Amy’s debut novel The Innocent Wife is out now published by Century.