
That's What She Said
1. I haven’t always been a writer. Or, rather, my job hasn’t always been writing. My first “proper job” after I graduated was as a crime scene examiner (like CSI, but less glamorous). That was after I did a degree in Archaeology and Ancient History. I’ve done all sorts and seen all sorts, and it’s given me a unique perspective on the world. Experience as much weird shit as you can, then write about it.
2. When I’m not writing my own books, I teach business owners how to write brilliant non-fiction books. I start by showing them how brilliant their ideas are and how fascinating their story is. Everyone has an interesting story to tell, even if you don’t think you live a particularly exciting or exotic life. Grand adventures are great, but really we’re interested in who you are and why you do the things you do.
3. I actually ran away with the circus—kind of. When I’m not writing and teaching other people how to write, you can find me playing on a trapeze or spinning around a pole. I’m a trapeze artist and pole dancer, and this makes me a better, more creative writer. It also provides loads of interesting bruises…
4. My house is made of gaps and spiderwebs. My husband and I bought a beautiful but ramshackle cottage built in the 1600s, and we’ve been slowly renovating it. We discovered the meaning of the word “cold” and have been channelling our inner polar-bears—and learning how to work with lime plaster, old timber, and oak.
5. I used to ride a motorbike. I have a Triumph Street Triple sitting in the garage, which I haven’t ridden for four years. I should sell it, but I can’t bring myself to do so yet.
6. We accidentally keep three Tiny Sheep. Due to a series of impetuous decisions and silly events, three Ouessant sheep live in our orchard. Their names are Bronson, Kernic, and Picard and they’re super cute. They keep the chickens, the cats (Noodle and Whiskey), and the corn snake (Maisie Snake Fantastico) company. I’m trying to persuade my husband that we need miniature cows too, but he’s not having it. I’ll work up to cows via goats. Or possibly alpacas.
7. I have four (FOUR) unfinished books on my MacBook, and that’s okay. Writers write, and writers finish—but it’s okay to abandon a project for a while and then come back to it. It took me a long time to be kind to myself, but I eventually learned to love the shitty first draft, the editing process, and the fact that I have 3,826 ideas at once. I’m finally learning to do one thing at a time—and finish it.
About That’s What She Said
It’s fantastic hearing about inspirational women who’ve reached the dizzy heights of Oprah Winfrey—but what if success, for you, looks completely different? And what if you can’t relate to these superhuman goddesses at all?
That’s What She Said is a collection of notes from women just like you. Women who’ve started businesses and defined success in their own way. Women who have changed lives for the better. They’re not in the limelight—but they’re making a difference all the same.
There have been a lot of well-meaning books written by women purporting to help women get along in a man’s world, helping to “elevate” women to men’s level of business, and how to act and behave to get ahead. Starting with the idea that we have to elevate women to become level with men. We’re already equal in skills and abilities and hard work. We don’t need to “elevate” ourselves. We’re already awesome. We need to bust the barriers. And although we do have to live in the world as it is, we don’t have to accept it as the only way to be. How about we create the world we want? A world that’s fairer for everyone?
About Vicky Fraser
After eight years running her own business, Vicky has used her Tiny Beetle Steps Framework to take aspiring authors from blank page to book quickly, while elevating their businesses in the process. One client's book is now required reading at a British university, and another client has used her services to write seven books that have elevated him to the top of his industry.
She’s the author of How The Hell Do You Write A Book and Business For Superheroes. Vicky ghostwrites for high-profile entrepreneurs, writes and distributes The Moxie Bugle worldwide, hosts the popular podcast The 1,000 Authors Show, and has featured on popular podcasts, like #HAMYAW and The Self Publishing Formula Podcast.
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I started out writing plays and set up a theatre company called Aurora in Dublin in the nineties. In fact, I still write plays! Last year I put on a sell-out show in Edinburgh – Witches’ Gets- about witch trials in Norway in the 17th century, which brings me to... to read more click HERE