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I look at you with tired eyes.
Have told you to not come in my way,
but you just don't seem to listen.
I have tried everything I can think of
spoke to you nicely at first,
Persuaded you with my sweetness,
Ambushed you with my charm,
Tricked you with my wits,
Confused you with my accusations
Dodged you with my criticism
Cheated you with my love
Scared you with my anger,
Manipulated you with my tears,
Controlled you with my threat
Alas, you are still as you were.
I have tried to push you
Pull you
Used all my strength.
Banged my head,
To make you move somehow
but you just don't budge.
Now, I have finally realized,
I am the one who is hurt.
I am the one in pain
But I want you to move
They think I am mad
For asking the wall to move
They tell me to walk around you.
Even a four year old knows better.
They laugh at me
pity me, cast me aside
I find them no different.
They try to change everyone and everything else but themselves
Tagged in Poetry