

Following the last book, ‘Carte Blanche’ in 2011 by Jeffery Deaver, Boyd finally reveals the title of the next reading installment for Bond fans.


William Boyd, author for the new Bond book announced the title on Monday as ‘Solo’. This is a reflection of the spy’s movements in the latest novel to go on an unauthorised mission.

Boyd made the announcement on the first day of the London Book Fair and said;

"In my novel, events conspire to make Bond go off on a self-appointed mission of his own, unannounced and without any authorization – and he's fully prepared to take the consequences of his audacity."

Boyd grew up in West Africa and has used Africa as his setting of many of his novels said that it would be key in the three continent mission Bond embarks on in the new book;

"It's what happens to Bond in Africa that generates his urge to 'go solo' and take matters into his own hands in the USA."

Boyd justified his choice of short title: "Sometimes less is more. For me as a novelist the simple beauty of Solo as the title of the next James Bond novel is that this short four-letter word is particularly and strikingly apt for the novel I have written.”

"Titles are very important to me and as soon as I wrote down Solo on a sheet of paper I saw its potential. Not only did it fit the theme of the novel perfectly, it's also a great punchy word, instantly and internationally comprehensible, graphically alluring and, as an extra bonus, it's strangely Bondian in the sense that we might be subliminally aware of the '00' of '007' lurking just behind those juxtaposed O's of SOLO …"

It was February this year when we first heard of the new Bond book which was advertised with the teaser line:

"1969. A veteran secret agent. A single mission. A licence to kill. James Bond returns."

‘Solo’ will be published on 26 September in the UK by Fleming's original publisher, Jonathan Cape, in hardback, eBook and audio editions.

Source: Guardian


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