
Sinéad Crowley (Andrew Phelan), The Belladonna Maze
1. I am very bad at running, but I love it. I have a heavy, flat-footed technique once compared to the approaching dinosaurs in Jurassic Park – you know that scene? Where the water in the glass wobbles? – and my knees would rather I took up knitting but I love plodding around the park, ear pods in, listening to an audio book which is on double speed even when I am not. It’s my time out, my head space and it makes me very happy.
2. I am very bad at passing bookshops and I could do with an extra room – make that an extra house – to store my books. But I’m the woman to talk to if you want to buy a book as a present and need a recommendation. Go on, try me – I love a challenge!
3. I am very bad at wearing high heels and the older I get the less I want to try it. Most nights out in my twenties ended with me standing in my bare feet at a taxi rank and I couldn’t be happier that Doc Martens and trainers are now back in fashion. And even if they weren’t I would still be clumpy of foot now, and light of heart.
4. I am very bad at ironing. I’ll let you into a secret – those crinkles smooth right out when you Just Wear The Clothes.
5 I am very bad at taking time off. I have a day job in journalism, a night job writing books and two amazing kids who fill up all the empty spaces. But they make me very happy and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Barring, of course a multi million euro movie deal.
6. I am, so far, very bad at scoring multi million euro movie deals. But I’m open to offers.
7. I am very bad at summarising my new book but I’m supposed to do so for publicity purposes, so here goes. It’s a ghost story, set in the West of Ireland which moves between famine times and 2007. There’s an old murder, a new nanny, a fledgling romance and a very creepy Maze.
Hmmm. Maybe I’m not so bad at that one after all.
Sinéad Crowley’s latest novel, ‘The Belladonna Maze’ (Aria, £18.99) is out now.