Get Published on Female First

Get Published on Female First

Is so quiet, withdrawn,

sharp in retort;

closes here yes, for fear

of what she might see,

“I’m OK”, she says;

but it is not so.

Her eyes gives away, closed

she cannot see ME!

I wish someone could tell her,

give her reassurance, to let her know

Her fears are groundless

they are simply not so.

She looks, she watches;

what is he doing?

Talking to others!

Women! She supposes.

His time conversing with others

is not a rebuff!

He’s exploring a new world,

away from the mundane stuff.

He’s a flightless Kiwi

learning to fly,

on the wings of poetry

soaring into the sky.

He’s evolving,

He’s growing;

The quest is near,

no more quivering in fear.

Could someone tell her

to open her eyes?

Forsake the darkness,

embrace the wise.

He loves her dearly,

with all that he is,

all that he can be;

HE is hers; SHE is his.

Les Bush

Copyright, 6 March 2013

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