From 'Little Women to singing and links to Abraham Lincoln' here are Barbara Josselsohn's interesting revelations.

Author Barbara Josselsohn

Author Barbara Josselsohn

1. I have an ancestor who shook hands with Abraham Lincoln.

At least, that’s the family lore! My mother has often recounted how her grandfather immigrated from  Germany in the mid-1800s and fought in the American Civil War. Badly injured in battle, he was brought to a field hospital and treated. It’s well known that Abraham Lincoln liked to visit hospitals to cheer up the wounded soldiers, and that’s how the encounter occurred. Years later, when he was in his sixties, my great-grandfather sent back to his homeland for a wife—and a feisty, redheaded young woman crossed the ocean by herself to fill the role. That was my great-grandmother!


2. My mother gave me a beautiful gift that I’ll never forget.

That gift is her voice! I have such wonderful memories of my mother singing me to sleep with renditions of beautiful songs from her favorite movies and Broadway musicals. When I was young, I thought I was the luckiest girl in the world because she decided to be my mom instead of becoming a singing star! Music is a big part of my novels – and I’m sure that’s because I remember how special it was to listen to her sing. I also sang my own children to sleep—although my voice was nowhere as beautiful as hers!


3.  I have an unusual collection.

I love collecting things when I travel—and my favorite type of souvenir is a notebook. Notebooks are pretty, inspirational, affordable, and functional! We took a family trip to London last winter, and I added notebooks from the Globe Theater, the Notting Hill Bookshop, and Harrod’s to my collection. I pick a fresh notebook from my shelf to fill with thoughts and ideas whenever I start a new novel, and the memories connected to the notebook always give me a jolt of inspiration!


4.  My dog may sound scary but he’s really a sweetheart.

Poor Albie was a rescue dog who was found on the streets of Texas and saved by a wonderful organization called Hearts & Bones Rescue. We don’t know what kind of abuse he suffered, but we think it must have been pretty severe, as he’s wildly afraid of strangers and barks his head off if someone he doesn’t know simply looks at him. It takes a long time for him to trust someone new. Our hearts break when we think about what he must have gone through, so we try to give him extra love to put those bad memories behind him. And he returns that love tenfold. We often joke that we didn’t rescue him—he rescued us!


5.  I am returning home—finally!

I grew up on Long Island, and spent nearly my whole life at or near the beach. I love the ocean so much! Life, though, pushes you in unexpected ways, and for a variety of reasons, my adult life has been spent in landlocked locations. But my husband promised me long ago that one day we would return to Long Island—and we are now looking to find our next house there. So many of my novels revolve around characters who are searching for a place they can truly feel at home—I think that’s because I’ve been waiting very long to finally return home myself!


6.  I love classic movies.

Put me in front of a television playing movies from the 1930s and 1940s, and I’m not budging! I love looking at the clothes, the hairdos, the cars, the houses, and the furniture. I guess it’s no surprise that I became a writer of historical fiction. Watching an old movie or reading a book about long ago—to me, it’s almost as good as having an actual time machine.


7.  My most prized possession is…

An early edition of LITTLE WOMEN by Louisa May Alcott. No, it’s not a first edition, but its more than 100 years old! The publication date is 1917, and its route to my bookshelf involved stops with several relatives over multiple generations. The spine is broken, the cover illustration is almost completely worn off, the pages are brown and flaking… but I just love that it’s there on my bookshelf, infused with energy and imaginations of all the people who lost themselves inside of it for so many decades past!

Barbara Josselsohn latest book The Forgotten Italian Restarant is out 21st August 2024

The Forgotten Italian Restaurant cover by Barbara Josselsohn
The Forgotten Italian Restaurant cover by Barbara Josselsohn

Italy, 1943. The girl rushes down the winding streets, tucking the handwritten menu into the wicker basket and thinking only of the code hidden on the delicate paper. Will anyone forgive her for what she’s about to do to save the man she loves?

Present day. Arriving in sun-drenched Caccipulia, Callie grips the faded restaurant menu in trembling hands. Found hidden in her family home, she is certain it will lead her to the truth about her grandmother’s life in Italy during World War Two. Why did her Nonna run away from this beautiful small town, never to return? Lost and alone in the world, could it help Callie understand who she is?

Local café owner Oliver’s dark brown eyes light up when he sees the menu. During the war, one brave family secretly fed desperate Jewish families hidden in safe houses through the village. Callie’s heart soars at the thought that her own dear grandmother was involved.

Diving into the town’s history during long walks down cobbled streets, Callie begins to feel at home under Oliver’s soft gaze. She wonders if she could build a life here with him. Until they push aside magenta flowers on a monument at the heart of the village, and uncover a secret that changes everything…

A grave mistake was made one dark night as the Nazis stalked the village, putting the whole town in terrible danger. When Callie finds out what her grandmother did, will it change the way Oliver feels about her? Will she stay and right the wrongs of the past, or be forced to leave Italy too, just like her Nonna?

A heartbreaking love story that will sweep you away to sun-drenched Italian vineyards to watch hope and bravery prevail in the darkest days of war. 

Author bio

The Author - Barbara Josselsohn is a best-selling novelist and journalist who loves crafting stories about strong protagonists facing a fork in the road. 

The Forgotten Italian Restaurant is the third and concluding novel in her Sisters of War series, about three sisters separated during the darkest days of World War 2.

Earlier books in the series include Secrets of the Italian Island and The Lost Gift to the Italian Island. Her previous books are The Lilac House, The Bluebell Girls, The Lily Garden, The Cranberry Inn, and The Last Dreamer. 

Barbara has also written hundreds of articles and essays in major and regional publications about family, home and relationships. She lives just north of New York City and enjoys escaping to the beach whenever she can. Other than writing, her biggest passion is her family: her husband, her three kids, and her rescue pup, a mini-schnauzer named Albie. She is currently at work on her eighth novel, due out in 2025. 

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