Having a conversation in a car, without the usual interruptions, is a key way to strengthen a relationship. With dedicated time to talk, a conversation can cover more ground than is typically the case in the bedroom or kitchen. Whether we want to solve a problem, discuss an issue or plan together, we can slow down and focus on what matters. Not having eye contact can also facilitate a great conversation as some people find holding a gaze uncomfortable.

How to Have Meaningful Conversations
Research from Zipcar UK reveals that 76% of the nation have had a deep and meaningful conversation in the car. In other settings, people might have concerns about being disturbed or overheard. With nowhere to escape to, a car journey can get to the heart of the matter. Driving can actually be a helpful distraction, particularly for people who don’t often share how they feel. As the person has another task to perform, their ability to repress their feelings lessens and their true feelings are able to come to the surface.
When we include what’s really going on for us in a conversation, it builds trust – the real ‘glue’ that keeps us connected. A conversation is a powerful way to breathe some new life into a relationship. It’s easy to overlook how something as simple as a car journey can create positive change – for us and the other people in our lives.Additionally, a conversation in a car can build a meaningful connection even more than talking over dinner or in bed. Taking in a natural landscape – whether it’s a view of a hill or a flock of birds overhead – recharges our mind. Even in an urban environment, a glance of a tree or a beautiful building can uplift us. When we’re in touch with the wider world it’s easier to connect with others, as we’re more open-minded.
Zipcar UK’s research shows that nearly a quarter (24%) of Brits would prefer to raise an issue with someone in a car compared to elsewhere. The informal setting can help us to loosen up and speak more freely than we might otherwise. With the great outdoors rolling by, we can feel less stuck and be more aware that our thoughts are on the move too. Chatting about our dreams can fire us up with new possibilities.
A car provides a valuable sense of ‘containment.’ In a private space, it’s easier to have a heart-to-heart. Talking through concerns in a confidential setting makes us feel less overwhelmed. It brings greater perspective. Without the effect of alcohol, our thinking is clearer. We can decide more easily what to talk about and what to leave for another time, especially if people start to get ‘triggered’ by a topic.