For the person running it, as well as the writers attending it, a writing holiday is also a joy. For the last six years, when I'm not writing myself, I've been hosting residential writing holidays in the stunning foothills of the Sierra Almijara, Andalucía. I love working with writers and sharing their sense of achievement when something goes really well. Most of these 'ten reasons' also apply to me. It is work, yes, and a lot of planning goes into a writing holiday. But there is a deep sense of satisfaction at the end of the week. And if I have had time to do some writing of my own as well - as I did last year in Andalucía when I was just bringing together the different strands of my latest novel, 'The Saffron Trail' - then that is even better...

Rosanna Ley
- To find some Writing Space. What writers need most is space and time free from distractions in order to get on with their writing. This would do it.
- Because ' Holiday' is a lovely word. It implies rest and relaxation and possibly a sunny destination, as an added bonus. It also implies fun and having a bit of a laugh with a group of friendly people. Holidays are good times for thinking, planning, writing notes, jotting ideas in a notepad while sitting around a pool...
- For Focus. To get a block of writing time all in one go really helps you to focus your mind when you are mid-project. It means you don't have to keep going back to your writing project to remind yourself where you are and who you are with.
- Other Writers. It's great to be with like-minded people who enjoy talking about writing as well as other things. These are people with whom you can share ideas and problems and who will (hopefully) give you constructive feedback to help you on your writing way. They also understand that sometimes you need to go off and write...
- For a Springboard. A writing holiday can act as a springboard to either get you back into something you have already started or to start you off on something new. In this creative atmosphere fresh ideas will spring to the fore and you will be inspired to get writing!
- Support. To have a mentor/ leader who will get to know you and your writing and be able to help with advice, support and encouragement.
- Legitimacy. Going on a writing holiday is saying - yes, this is a holiday, but it is a working holiday and not just a jolly. It is prioritising your writing. It is telling friends, family and most importantly yourself that your writing matters.
- Tranquillity is a wonderful thing. There's nothing like a bit of peace and quiet to enable you to recharge your batteries and find your writing voice.
- The Inspirational Setting. Descriptions of people and places will flow from the pen when you stand at the balcony and watch the sun setting over the mountains... (Or you could just have a G & T...)
- Freedom from domesticity and other responsibilities. No cooking. No housework. No pressure. Just imagine...

Rosanna Ley's next book, The Saffron Trail, is published on 21st May (Querucs, £7.99)