Two years ago, when my literary agent had to suddenly retire to take care of her ailing hubby, I prepared to pitch to new agents at a local writers’ conference. Before I could join the pitch session, an agent buddy pulled me aside and told me not to tell anyone my book was a Paranormal Romance. Call it anything else, but not that.

Raven (Entwine Book 2)
We stood in a quiet hallway at the conference while I tried to process what she’d just shared. Then she leaned in close and whispered, “Tracey, Paranormal Romance is dead.”
I couldn’t hold back my disbelief, mouth dropping open, eyes blinking, seeing nothing. Paranormal Romance dead? How could that be when I see bookshelves, both physical and virtual, filled with books in this genre? Readers are hungry for these stories.
The agent went on to share that the Big 5 publishers weren’t actively acquiring Paranormal Romance. They had too much already on their author roster. So agents were steering clear of anything with even a whiff of Paranormal Romance. It would be a hard “no.”
I believed my friend, I truly did. But in my heart, I knew that nothing would ever kill this genre.
Because both the Paranormal and Romance go together so perfectly like red wine and chocolate. Complimenting the flavors of each other because at their core, they embody the same experience we feel when we consume them…
Slipping into the pages of a Paranormal story, we’re transported into a new world, one filled with exciting possibilities. Things are not always what they seem and opportunities we might have only dreamt about are a potential reality.
Romance stories, no matter the setting, also sweep us away, into the hearts of characters who fight against, strive towards, and ultimately may sacrifice everything, for the possibility of love.
However, within the magic of both also comes the potential of danger.
Paranormal stories show us things that might be frightening, creatures who can take your life with a single look, and powers so incredible as to inspire awe and sometimes fill you with terror.
Romance stories delve into our fears of rejection, desperation, and loss. When you love something or someone, you can be hurt.
Some have argued that to love is one of the most dangerous things you can do.
Paranormal Romance lets us believe that anything is possible. It inspires us, opening our minds to different viewpoints and different perspectives.
And though it might involve vampires, werewolves, fairies, or maybe even just humans with amazing gifts, they’re just like us — all yearning for acceptance, love, and the wondrous chances life can offer.
It’s really no surprise that the Paranormal and Romance genres pair so well together and why they will never be dead in the hearts of readers.
We’re all looking for that spark of love and for the magic we crave in our lives.
Tracey Shearer - Best-selling author and Intuitive Storytelling Coach — author of Entwine and Raven — regular contributor of “Your Writing Does Not Suck” podcast. As a four-time cancer survivor, Tracey knows the value of not waiting to pursue your passion. She uses her over fifteen years of writing experience to help others craft, edit, and publish their own dreams.
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