Are you ready to stop whining about not being heard?

The Matriarch Rules
About being exhausted?
About trying but never succeeding?
If you answered YES, and I hope for your sake you did, then you’re ready to STOP giving away your power and START owning it instead. Afterall, a modern Matriarch does NOT look to others for answers, she looks deep within to guide herself and those she loves boldly toward the future.
In my book, The Matriarch Rules, I show women exactly how to own their power, know their worth and lead the lives they always wanted to. And now, I’m giving you 7 tips to grab your life by the ovaries and make it your bitch!
A Matriarch Owns Her Power by Not Giving it Away!
Every time you say, “I can’t.” Or “I don’t know how.” You are telling yourself and everyone around you that you are incapable. You are resourceful and you are able to teach yourself to do anything you set out to do. Stop giving up before you ever even take the first step.
A Matriarch Owns Her Power by Tallying Her Successes
Every time you tell yourself that you failed, that it didn’t work out for you, or that someone else is better than you, you are tallying your failures. Start creating a list of evidence that shows how capable you are by listing the things you’ve done well and releasing yourself from the shit you haven’t.
A Matriarch Owns Her Power by Creating New History
Take some history changing actions immediately. If you want to live in a clean space, clean it! Want to be more organized? Create better systems! Want to feel productive? Get more done. Stop telling yourself you’re tired and GET UP! Today belongs to you and YOU own your power!
A Matriarch Owns Her Power by Having a Plan
Never start a day, week, month or year without some solid goals. Without a goal, there are no tangible steps to create deadlines for. Not having a deliberate plan is one of the ways women give away their power. Personal goals. Professional goals. Financial goals. Romantic goals. Step into your power by deciding what you want to achieve and then create the plan for achieving it!
A Matriarch Owns Her Power by Managing Her Time
Too many women are guilty of giving their power away to the “social scroll.” Absolutely nothing that will contribute to your power as a Matriarch is achieved by aimlessly scrolling through social media feeds. A day without a plan is one that’s surely wasted. 30 days in a row and it’s a month surely wasted. 365 days in a row and…
A Matriarch Owns Her Power by Leaving a Deliberate Legacy
The actions you take on the daily become part of the story you’ll tell in the future. It also becomes the story that others will tell about you when you’re gone. A Matriarch considers what she wants that story to be and she carefully and deliberately crafts her life accordingly.