Peter Rumens
... But Like There’s No Tomorrow is set in Spain on the Costa del Sol, Ben´s awkward first meeting with Margaret leads to dramatic changes in his and others´ lives, where judgement, conscience, and morality are tested to extremes. The reader will begin to doubt if friendship and love can survive a background of lust, secrecy, and violent revenge. When a bubble of self-delusion is pricked a broken heart is inevitable, which throws a family into a state of chaotic depression. Even more dramatic developments are just around the corner.
The powerfully erotic story pulls no punches. I believe that there is no place for purple prose and flowery side-tracking when writing erotic romance. We are grown-ups – Tell it as it is. Well-written erotic romance is beautiful – Purple prose destroys it. (See my article published in LinkedIn - ¨Purple prose destroys Erotica¨) Presented in a highly explicit manner, the story examines what are the two most important things that we crave – Love and respect.
It is a realistic, passionate, and heart-warming journey - told in its most graphic form, at the centre of which is a beautifully sensitive love story. Readers´ emotions are torn in all directions as some of society´s set pre-conceptions are challenged. You will feel anger and joy in equal measure. You will enjoy the subtle humour and laugh out loud. Only the most cold-hearted will fail to shed tears.
The book is a page-turner without the need of a dictionary to hand. The strong storyline rids any temptation to skip a chapter or two.
The book is set to appeal to both female and male readers, even if erotic romance would not normally be their first choice of read.
You wrote the book once you retired so how long has the idea been simmering away before you put pen to paper?
The storyline of a steamy mystery thriller based on committing the perfect crime has been simmering for ten years, but the sudden and rather impulsive change of direction into erotica happened around a year ago.
Please tell us about the character of Ben.
Ben is a thirty-six year old from South Wales. Educated to Grammar school level, he is self-confident and articulate. He has been successful in the field of property development, resultant in his wealth being considerable but not massive. He is handsome without being a pretty boy; well -honed rather than muscular. He is un-married but has indulged in more than his fair share of non-committal relationships. He was reared in a humble working class environment, but with a background of kindness and generosity which would serve him well in later life.
In material terms he wants for nothing. Emotionally he doesn´t feel unfulfilled despite his love-life being somewhat shallow. He considers himself blessed and feels that he has it all – Until love, and a level of sexual desire beyond anything that he has ever experienced, hits him squarely between the eyes.
Why did the book evolve from a mystery thriller to erotic fiction?
The mystery thriller went on to the back burner when I read of the phenomenal success enjoyed by E.L.James with her Fifty Shades trilogy.
I was intrigued that sales went global despite fierce criticism by some critics and the public alike. How could a book so poorly received by some become so popular worldwide? Who am I to judge? – and nor would I, but it was then that I made a brave decision. I had neither written nor read erotic fiction and deliberately avoided reading her trilogy before stepping up to the challenge of writing what I hoped would be a best-seller. (It was important that my writing should be neither affected, nor infected, by her work.) Nor did I feel that a theme of sadomasochism would hold my attention, though I can identify with the curiosity value. Nonetheless, I am confident that if I took a whip to my wife, she would come back at me with a lump hammer!
In July 2013, with a degree of self-confidence, but without a storyline, I disappeared to my study with a six month supply of caffeine. IT WAS NOT EASY – There is a finite number of ways to adequately do justice to the glory of sexual union, and if that is the only requirement, it is far simpler to pop out and hire a dirty movie. Rumens ruminated and, after countless hours of lateral thinking, the seeds of a storyline began to take on its own personality. It developed into a beautiful love story and a compassionate tale of intense emotion. My background in professional videography was of immense help. My editing skills in particular enabled me to sequence and convert mental images to the written word. One reader smiled at me and said - ¨I think that you must be a very good lover.¨ I returned her smile and could answer only the truth - ¨Amongst the best – at least on paper.¨
Why is love the most important emotion in your opinion?
Love – the only emotion that sends a tingle of warmth through body and soul. An emotion that can feel wonderful, and yet strangely uncomfortable at the same time.
An emotion that can make you feel that you are soaring, and yet sometimes that you have fallen into the depths of a bottomless abyss. Careful Rumens or you will slip into purple prose.
A tongue in cheek cynic wrote -
¨ Scientists have discovered a food which destroys love – It´s called Wedding Cake.¨
It´s true and completely natural that couples begin to take for granted their initial adoration of each other when they have lived together for some time. Life is not a fairy tale. But when the work is done and the kids are in bed, those who truly love each other have an instinctive need to sometimes lightly touch a hand, deliver a gentle smile, or a slow and deliberate wink.
They are moments far more meaningful than the most passionate of kisses.
Friendship comes in a close second to love – Try living without them!
It is so sad that in the broader global and political arena, it seems that we live in a wonderful world, but with minorities that choose to turn their backs on love and friendship.
John Lennon said it all in one song - ¨All you need is love¨.
This is your debut novel so will you continue in this genre or venture into your original idea?
I will eventually get back to my mystery thriller but in the meantime,
¨...But like there´s no tomorrow ¨ is screaming out for a sequel.
What is next for you?
Marketing and Publicity.... then more Marketing and Publicity. (But nothing is more effective than word of mouth) My message to the readers of Female First-¨Make your Tomorrows better than the best of your Yesterdays – the guarantee is a perfect Today¨ If you enjoy a beautiful love story, and enjoy (or can handle) straight erotica told as it is – ¨...But like there´s no tomorrow ¨ could well be your best read this year. My guarantee is that you will not be disappointed. Peter Rumens.Readers - Please post your comments on the book to my Facebook timeline.
Publishers: troubador.co.uk
Paperback - PB ISBN 9781783065073
E.book - eISBN 9781783065707
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