Know your Niche
For business blogs, this would be all about creating content around the product or services that you are selling.
Always think about your audience
With a business blog, your audience are the group of people who use your services or who might need your services in the future - are the only people you need to write for. Forget about writing for anyone else. By addressing their needs you can use content to convince them that you are the leading authority in the field you’re in.
Have a clear personal brand
With so many businesses offering the same or similar services (when you boil things down to the cold hard facts), your number one asset is your personal brand because it’s what sets you apart. YOU need to become known as well as the services your business offers.
Start professionally
How you present your words is important as the words themselves. When it comes to business, professionalism and presentation is key. Pay a Wordpress designer or developer to set it up; invest in proper branding; commit to your site so that your audience knows you mean business.
Get social
Nowadays, audiences turn to their social networks just as often as Google when they’re looking for information. Promoting your blog across your social media channels is one of the best ways of driving traffic back to your blog, keeping your audience engaged and building their trust and loyalty.
Write for skimmability
‘Skimmability’ may not be a real word (yet), but is an integral part of making your blog successful by holding your reader’s attention. Try short paragraphs of 3-4 sentences, bullet point lists, subheads and bold formatting so that time and attention starved readers can get the jist of the post just from skimming it.
Don’t get obsessed about traffic
If you’re blogging for business, you’re not trying to become the next Zoella. You don’t need millions of views every hour of the day in order to secure big brand deals. Instead, traffic generation for you is about enabling you to grow your business to whatever size you want.
Consistency is key
Whether this is once a day or a once a week, be organised, schedule your posts and get on with it. Remember, the most successful content strategies are more about consistency over time than one blog post going viral.
Use all mediums
After you write a post, try turning into a video, or that video into a podcast - stamp out digital footprints for your business across different platforms and different forms. Sometimes people think, ‘oh, do I really need to cater for all these people some of whom like reading, others who like watching videos….’ The answer is yes.
Don’t stop believing!
Everyone starts from zero. Even the biggest business blogs and content strategies started with no readers and no fans. Make sure you have the right expectations, and remember that content doesn’t deliver overnight.
Want to find out more? Natasha’s book The Million Dollar Blog is available now
Natasha will be speaking at the event Turn Your Passion Into Pounds this Thursday March 9th at 7 – 9pm at the British Library. The event, which is being hosted by the Jessica Huie, MBE, labelled one of Britain’s Most inspiring entrepreneurs by the Evening Standard along with Lifestyle/Parenting Blogger and Author Vicki Psarias ‘Honest Mum’ was created to showcase a group of successful women who have thrown out the old rule books and successfully managed to earn a living by becoming their own boss. Learn how to master blog and social media, build an authentic personal brand, write a book and get it published, secure clients and stand out in a crowded market - Book now at