I've had two autobiographical/ travel books dealt with by my publisher Matador:

A Time for My Life

A Time for My Life

Travels with Morris and A Time in My Life. Both cover events, many years ago (1960s) when I was still in my twenties. They've been inspired by diaries kept at the time.

To begin with I was a so-called 'Ten-pound Pom', gaining a place on a skip that took off to Oz. Here I fulfilled a year's contract working as a trained hospital nurse in Victoria.

Julie, whom I'd met on the ship, now contacted me, suggesting I join her to explore Oz. So - it was when I acquired what was to become our mutually owned, second-hand, Morris Minor, teaching myself to drive in just a few weeks.

Many nights were then spent sleeping in a two-man tent, cooking over a campfire, before taking off to tackle unmarked roads.

The second book has to do with myself alone obtaining a contract to work close to the Equator - as a nurse on Atolls, centre of the Pacific Ocean. This was during the dying days of British Colonialism. And now, poor islanders - how they suffer. The sea around them rises, so must so many islands will be lost.