Rebecca Chance is the author of eight bestselling glamorous thrillers and her latest, MILE HIGH, is out now. Set in the world of five-star luxury air travel, on an plane packed with celebrities behaving badly, an internationally famous singer in Luxe Class realises that the stalker she thought she's escaped is on board and there's no escape at thirty thousand feet!

Mile High
- Don't turn right when boarding the plane then correct yourself and turn left! It's a giveaway that you're not used to it.
- Don't immediately run to the bar (if you're on Virgin or one of those airlines chic enough to have a bar in First Class) exclaiming: 'Ooh! Free drinks!' Be cool. At least get your hand luggage stowed by your seat and take off your coat first…
- … and let the cabin crew do all that for you. You do not put away your own carry-on luggage in First Class.
- Don't ask eagerly if you can have everything on the menu. You can. Just try to pace yourself.
- Don't dress up too much for the occasion. Regular First Class travellers dress down to be comfortable for travelling/change into cashmere lounging pyjamas, especially on long-haul flights. You're not going out to dinner at the Wolseley.
- But don't wear a shell suit either.
- Don't patronise or talk down to the flight attendants in an attempt to show off or seem 'above' them. Think Downton Abbey - you should be friendly, say 'please' and 'thank you', share a joke.
- Don't summon them by calling 'Waiter!' "And that's when the finger goes into the meal," to quote one flight attendant.
- Don't ask for your steak to be served rare/well-cooked, etc. They're not cooking it to order. "Please, it was all cremated three weeks ago," as the same flight attendant observes.
- Don't ask for Cava! It's only champagne in first class!
Mile High published by Pan Macmillan is out now and available to buy from Amazon.
For more information on Rebecca Chance follow her on Twitter @MsRebeccaChance