Following a brutal eating disorder that lasted 6 years, Mel eventually created a unique method to heal herself and her relationship with food. She is now dedicated to empowering women to quit dieting for good by adopting a healthy, loving relationship with food, and a brand new lifestyle that reflects this. Mel speaks in a language modern day women can relate to, and since January 2015 countless women, including well-known faces, have been drawn to Mel's positive, reliable and engaging approach helping them to overcome issues with their food and bodies. Mel's new book promises to offer women an inspirational way to achieve food and body freedom for life without slamming them with more rules to follow!

Mel Wells

Mel Wells

Mel Wells tells Female First what to expect from her book, her coaching and what's coming next!

What can readers expect from your new book The Goddess Revolution?

The Goddess Revolution is a handbook for any woman who's ever struggled with diets, weight or body image. It's a book full of mindset shifts, tools and lessons I've learned about loving your body and having a great relationship with food.

Why are you so passionate about helping women to ditch the diets for good?

Because I used to be a miserable yoyo dieter myself! I made myself miserable with diets, disordered eating patterns, obsessive exercise routines. I lived it for 6 years and have realised the hard way that they just will never make you happy.

What can women expect from your one on one coaching?

My 1-1 coaching is personal coaching over Skype or phone for women who want my undivided attention week to week. It's obviously very exclusive and not for everyone but some women prefer to work 1-1 than in groups. I also work with women in group online programs The Revolution membership, and The Academy.

Why do you think women struggle with diets, food, weight and body image?

I think Diet clubs and diet culture has a lot to blame for women struggling with their body image. Diets constantly reinforce the belief that we need fixing or changing, and we have to struggle first in order to "earn" happiness, that comes with a shape or dress size. I think this is all wrong. It also doesn't help at all that we airbrush so many photos in the media to make women look a certain way, which can makes us feel inadequate and under pressure to change ourselves.

How can negativity around these things affect health, relationships and work?

Everything in your life is a reflection of your relationship with yourself. If your self worth is on the floor and you don't love yourself, and you're consumed with negative thoughts about yourself and your weight and your food, it will be difficult for you to show up fully in other areas of your life and be present. When you change the way you feel about yourself, your whole world changes.

Why do women punish themselves with strict diet regimes when there is another way?

We have over time been taught that we can't trust our own body's natural wisdom. We have been taught that we are useless without controlling rules or structure around food. But this is not making anyone happy - everyone who diets is miserable and not living a full, happy life! Health is about having a healthy mind, and designing a lifestyle you love. Diets do not advocate a healthy mindset, and they teach us to punish or shame ourselves if we break the rules.

What is 'fitspiration' and why has that has such a huge impact on women today?

Fitspiration is fitness social media accounts showcasing 'perfect' or 'aspirational' bodies, to provide 'motivation' for the people following. Unfortunately this can have a negative impact because it leaves people feeling inadequate and in a constant state of comparison with other people's bodies.

What is next for you?

I have just launched The Revolution membership for anyone who's read the book and wants more. It's monthly group coaching and Q+As with me via webinars, and it's £23 a month. I wanted to make it accessible to everyone. And I also have two retreats coming up in Bali this Summer!

'The Goddess Revolution, Make Peace with Food, Love Your Body and Reclaim Your Life' by Mel Wells is out now (Hay House). Follow the link to order:

For more information on Mel, including details on The Revolution and her retreats visit:

Follow Mel on instagram and twitter @IamMelWells

and on facebook /IAmMelWells

Mel Wells is a health coach, the founder of The Green Goddess Life & Academy and has just published her literary debut 'The Goddess Revolution' (Hay House) to rave reviews and praise.