I love to travel. By love, I mean that a year can't pass without my getting on a plane and visiting some place new. I'm fortunate to have a husband who loves to travel as well, and we pack up our kids and go: Germany, France, The Netherlands, India-you name it!

Michelle Moran

Michelle Moran

I write my books in a cozy library on the second floor of my house. It's decorated in beige and lavender and when I'm in the middle of writing the candles will all be lit and my salt lamp will be glowing. It's my writing sanctuary and I can't live without it!

I love the field of archaeogenetics. It absolutely fascinates me.

I walk every day, usually three miles, but longer if I have the time. My husband and I also play tennis. Running is probably my least favorite activity, although I'll walk or hike just about anywhere.

I don't actually have a favorite period in history. Because I write historical fiction people often ask this question, but there are far too many places and times in history that I'm drawn to for me to ever pick one. Having said that, ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, the Renaissance, medieval Europe, and 19th century India all hold a strong fascination for me.

I have huge feet. Seriously. I wear a 10.5, and my kids have similarly huge feet. People actually remark on my son's feet when we go places.

I read every night, first to my kids, then once they're in bed, for myself. My husband is a big reader too, and we often trade books. Our taste is quite similar, especially in nonfiction.

My husband taught me the joy in cooking. I've been a vegetarian for twenty-six years, but until I met my husband I really didn't know how to properly cook vegetarian meals for myself. He's an amazing chef and cooks almost every night.

I probably have 1000 book ideas stored in my head. If I lived to be 100 and wrote a book a year I still wouldn't run out of ideas! There are so many fascinating women to write about, and so many great places and times in history, that I could never cover them all.

Swimming. I can't imagine a summer without it.

Mata Hari by Michelle Moran is available from 28th July and is published by Quercus.