Written by Louisa Herridge, 42 from Cheshire is a Mindset and Positive Psychology Empowerment Coach, Founder of the global movement Mamas Ignited https://mamasignited.co.uk/ and best-selling author. Her recent inspirational book “Stop Ironing, Start Living” is currently flying to the Number 1 spots on the Amazon bestseller charts. This inspirational book is the next step for this Northern powerhouse as she continues her global movement, to empower women by giving them the tools to ignite the spark of self-belief and extinguish adversity and fear to live a more fulfilled life – just like she did.

Louisa Herridge by Natasha Cadman
Do you want to be more, do more and have more in life?
Have your dreams been lost in the blur of Mamahood, Career and Expectation?
Do you ever feel that your spark has gone out?
In the run up to Mother’s Day, it’s time that us Mamas reignited our spark…
A few years ago, I looked like I had it all– a great successful teaching job, a nice house, the ultimate picturesque family... but, whilst I was smiling and confident on the outside, I was hiding a darkness that came from decades of; people pleasing, chronic pain and emotional and psychological abuse.
I am now passionate about sharing my story of thriving after domestic violence and how at the height of the pandemic, whilst healing from burnout and complex trauma, I gave myself permission to quit teaching and admit that I wanted more than the ‘ironing board life’ that I was enduring – I realised that it was time for me to ignite and start living.
Embracing a new positive mindset, I overcame limiting beliefs to lead the Mamas Ignited movement, riding my surfboard to inspire women globally to stop playing safe and start living the life they truly desire.
I am a solo mum to my wonderful 6-year-old daughter, I now describe myself as being like the glorious Phoenix, who has risen from the ashes of debt, domestic abuse, trauma, chronic pain and depression to be reborn in flames as the blazing leader.
I want to help women to tap into their story and be able to speak from the scar not the wound, using it to ignite their overall impact. I have had my share of adversity and know how hard it can be to stop listening to your inner critic, voice of doom and the tight grip of imposter syndrome and anxiety; I understand your fear of judgement or failure; I had it too.
As a mindset and empowerment coach, I work with women globally to help them to find their spark - whether that be personally or in their businesses - so that they can turn up the dial on living lives they actually love, transforming their ironing boards into surfboards that will ride the waves of their next adventure!

Louisa says that there are 5 steps that you can take to start to ignite your SPARK…
Self: you must start everything with loving yourself above everything. Visualise what you love and what makes you happy and go from there. Keep note of what you are grateful for.
Positivity: Change the narrative! Everyone has a past and some of it is not nice but rather than focusing on the negatives, change the narrative to focus on the positive what has come from these dark times.
Affirmations: You must start believing in yourself “I am enough, I am brave, I am strong”… even if you must physically write your affirmations and surround yourself with them. You will start to internalise it and whole heartedly believe it.
Receive: Allow yourself to accept what you deserve and open yourself up to what the universe has to offer. Use the following mantra ‘I am open and willing to receive’ ‘abundance flows to me easily and effortlessly’.
Kindness: Everyone knows to be kind to others but so many forget to be kind to yourself! Make sure to make time for yourself and do the things that you love to do even if it’s something as small as treating yourself to a coffee.
To find out more about Louisa please visit https://mamasignited.co.uk/

To get a copy of Louisa’s inspirational book “Stop Ironing, Start Living” please visit: