Have you ever wondered why you react to certain situations the way you do, why your moods change so much from one day to the next, or why you always gravitate to the same relationships? The answer lies in your Moon Sign.

Lori Reid, Your Lunar Code
Most people know what sign of the Zodiac they belong to. Saying that you’re a Leo, Scorpio or a Capricorn, for example, is pointing out in which sign the Sun was located at the time you were born. However, very few people know what sign the Moon was in on the day of their birth. And yet our Moon sign is just as important as our Sun sign, if not more so, because it is our Moon sign that reveals our innermost feelings and emotions.
As well as describing your feelings, your Moon sign can tell you about your deepest drives, your needs and desires, your reactions and personal sensitivities. It reflects how you interact with other people, what sorts of relationships you’re likely to form and how you come across emotionally. Your Moon sign will highlight your expectations, your dreams and hopes, what makes you feel good, what nurtures you and in what things or people you find the greatest comfort.
The Moon in Scorpio for example, will endow you with very different emotional characteristics to, say, the Moon in Sagittarius. A Scorpio Moon is a powerful one – deep, dark and driven, you are a natural-born psychologist with a clever knack of seeing straight through people and situations.
This is a very different story from that of the happy-go-lucky individual born under a Sagittarian Moon. This person is constantly on the move, searching for whatever is around the next corner. So, each sign the Moon travels through will “colour” your emotions with its own distinctive characteristics and qualities. But because the Moon moves quickly through the Zodiac, staying for just two-and-a-quarter days in each sign, many of us normally use an expert astrologer to find the exact position of the Moon for our time of birth, thinking that this is not something we can do for ourselves but in my new book ‘Your Lunar Code’, you can learn how to do this yourself.
You can also work with the moon to plan for success. For example the lunar cycle divides each month into two two-week periods, or fortnights. The first fortnight begins with a New Moon (the first lunation), while the second starts with a Full Moon (the second lunation). From New to Full is the waxing phase, when energies increase, growth is triggered and new developments begin. From Full back to New is the waning period. During this fortnight our energies lessen, we tire more easily, and we turn inward to become more introspective.
Most calendars carry the symbols for the two lunations so that you can check when they are due. A black disk (m) represents the New Moon and, two weeks later, a white circle (k) symbolizes the Full Moon.
The two lunar phases lend themselves to different activities. Identifying the fortnights and synchronizing with them enables us to tap into these subtle, yet powerful, natural forces. For example, start a new endeavour during the waxing fortnight, when we’re eager to get on with things, and the project will fly along. Start it during the second fortnight, when impetus is lacking, and the job will just take longer to accomplish.
Lori Reid is a best-selling author and top astrologer. She has written more than 50 books, which have been translated into 30 languages. Her features have appeared in Prima, Marie Claire and Best magazines and her TV work includes This Morning. Lori has also appeared on GMTV, UK Living and on BBC1's Good Morning. For many years she was also the resident astrologer for the Daily Express. Your Lunar Code is out on 14th June priced £10.99 and is available in all good bookstores.