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When I passed from the focus of your vision,
I took with me your love,
I hold it close to my heart
that we may share it forever,
when we are once again united.
Were it that we met on the golden beaches,
that surround our land, and
held hands as we walked along the shore,
the light of the full moon shining,
above the sea's horizon.
Go there,
walk along the sand, collecting pretty shells,
as we used to do.
Feel the salt air touch your skin,
in the evening as you stroll, and
know I am the air,
that tenderly touches you,
the waves that rush toward you,
then recede as though beckoning
you to come join me in the ocean
of my love forever.
Were it that we met in the bush,
amid the wattle and the gum, and
danced the night away,
in the shed where sheep,
are shorn by day.
Go there
Watch the sun set over the land,
you and I loved so intensely.
Taste the scent of the eucalyptus,
carried on the evening breeze.
Know I am there in the breeze,
ever by your side,
I am the sound of the bush,
at twilight calling you to me.
As the bird calls it's mate,
to come nestle in the gum.
I am calling you to come,
nestle in my love eternally.
Were it that we met in the mountains,
high above the rain forest,
huddled in front of an open fire,
as snow fell outside the window.
Go there,
Watch the spring dawn,
be part of the wonder of
nature's new awakenings,
as the winter snow thaws,
into torrents that rush into streams,
Cascading over cliffs,
forming mighty waterfalls.
Stand near the falls to be,
showered by their spray.
Know I am the spray that showers you,
the wonder that surrounds you,
I wait you in the rain forest
of my everlasting love.
When you leave the focus
of this world's vision,
know that love awaits you,
my eternal valentine
Tagged in Poetry