100 Reasons to Love Ryan Gosling
100 Reasons to Love Ryan Gosling is a tongue-in-cheek fan book. I wrote it for hard-core Ryan devotees and recent converts alike. And anyone who just wants to look at hot pics of Ryan. (I totally won’t be offended if you buy the book just to look at the pictures and don’t read the text.)
Why do you think that he has become such a huge obsession with the ladies with a lot of other good looking fellas out there?
Ryan played plenty of weirdos before landing the hottie roles, so he’s just a lot more interesting-looking than your average heartthrob. There’s that slight wonkiness going on with his facial features, which adds to the extreme hotness. And he makes really interesting career choices, working on quality indie movies rather than boring blockbusters. And he has a sense of humour.
Please tell us about the process of collecting all the quotes, pictures and trivia about him for the book.
I had to look at all these pictures of Ryan and watch all his movies and read everything I could find about him. Google him loads, count his six-pack and track down any sources who could possibly contribute any Ry facts and look at more pictures. It was a hard slog.
How much did you degree and MA in English and creative writing help you to have the job you do today?
I loved university. I learned to work hard and meet deadlines which is definitely something writers need. I miss being a student! I might do a PhD in Ryology.
You travel between the UK, Sweden and the USA so where is your favourite place to work?
Anywhere I can drink green tea and sit in the sun.
When did your like of the Gosling begin?
Tragically I never saw him in the Mickey Mouse Club, so I first discovered him when I went to see The United States of Leland at Stockholm International Film Festival in the early 2000s. He plays a troubled teen, skinny and pale with shaggy brown hair. But I saw the hotness. And then the following year The Notebook happened and I could yell ‘I told you so’ at all the people who’d suddenly seen the Ry-light.
What is next for you?
I’ve just finished a draft of the first book in a trilogy of YA novels set in a dystopian Scandinavia. And I’m working on a book called Cumberlicious: Being Benedict Cumberbatch.