A gripping murder mystery set within the eerie atmosphere of Dartmoor. 

I Know You Were There

I Know You Were There

The Book

For the first time in months Emily is excited about life, until a fun-filled weekend on Dartmoor with her children turns into a nightmare and she accidentally finds herself in the wrong place at the wrong time. She returns home, desperate to forget their frightening ordeal, but it soon transpires that someone else has other ideas. Before she knows it, she is embroiled in a terrifying web of crime.

As the buzz and excitement of the 2012 Olympics grip the country no one, not even the police, believes her version of events and Emily has no option but to take matters into her own hands. In a race against time, she realises that a class of 1987 school reunion - which took place just days before her fateful visit, with devastating consequences - is key to finding out what really happened.

Not knowing who to trust, Emily’s life spirals out of control, but she will stop at nothing to unravel the truth… and ensure what should have been an idyllic weekend doesn’t become a lifetime of regret.

What would you do if someone else’s secret past threatened to destroy your own future happiness?

About The Author

Image of I Know You Were There author J D Pullan
Author J D Pullan

J D Pullan enjoyed a career in finance and HR before giving up work in 2018 to pursue her love of writing. Her first suspense novel I'm Going to Find You was a great success in New Zealand, Canada and Australia as well as the UK and I Know You Were There is her second, an independent sequel. She lives in Monmouthshire with her husband and their two lassie collies.

How The Book Came To Be

Justine explains: “The story of Emily’s fateful weekend, including the inciting incident, characters and location were all inspired by real-life. Indeed, the way in which the victim met their tragic end was completely inspired by something that happened to me, fortunately not with such a drastic outcome, although it was pretty scary at the time!

Choosing the right setting was vital and this was inspired by childhood memories of my late grandmother’s isolated bungalow on Dartmoor, where she lived on her own for many years. With seven brothers and sisters, we took it in turns to stay with her – usually two at a time - and it was always an adventure. I still love the whole area, from exhilarating hikes up and down the tors, with their magnificent views and rugged beauty, to the foreboding sense of isolation and how it can become terrifying in an instant when the fog rolls in. A place famous for myth and legend, it creates the perfect atmosphere for a suspenseful story that keeps you guessing to the very end.” 

What We Thought

A very cleverly written murder thriller that draw the reader in, fascinating vivid flashbacks, and packed with 1980s nostalgia. Female First

RELEASE DATE:  28/10/2024    ISBN: 9781836280286     Price: £9.99

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