Leanne Laurciella knew nothing about animal sanctuaries when she left New York City for New Jersey in 2011.

Goat sniffing mug
When she got her first two goats, Jax and Opie, she started an Instagram account- @goatsofanarchy. Since then she now has acquired herself 400,000 followers and set it up as a not for profit organisation to help goats with special needs live a long and happy life.
Leanne Lauricella left a career as an event planner in New York City and found that she was much happier rescuing farm animals: pigs, chickens, a mini horse, a mini donkey, but mostly goats with special needs.
She has 26 goats now at her sanctuary in Annandale, New Jersey, about 60 miles from Manhattan but The Goats of Anarchy Instagram page is followed by people from all over the world. Here are just a few of her fur babies.

Goats of Anarchy is out now