Help us celebrate!
1: A famous film star, whose face appears often and regularly,
Sent the gift of a five pound note to be shared out.......equally.
2: An erotic writer wrote a salacious story to celebrate the event,
But the censor stepped in, a ban he imposed, its publication he did prevent.
3: A fashion house, whose adverts are carried, sent a parcel as a gift,
But when it was opened it was empty, and everyone was quite miffed.
4: A poet, whose work is listed, composed a beautiful rhyme.
But he fell asleep before posting it, and then ran out of time.
5: An avid reader wrote a flowing letter, of adulation and praise,
But she left home without it. On the kitchen table it still lays!
6: The office boy bought a bunch of flowers, a great present he thought for sure
But when he stepped from the lift, they got squashed in the closing door.
7: A car hire company sent a limousine, to take everyone to a party.
It broke down on the way, now no one is......‘hail and hearty.’
8: A really fit guy, a fitness fanatic, was coming to give a display
But on hearing there were only women in the office....he ran away.
9: Mr. Worried, from Warrington, sent a letter to Aunties Yang and Ying.
It was meant to be happy but he hadn’t succeeded, only misery did it bring.
“Oh dear.” Lucy Walton, cried out in anguish and pain.
“I tried my best, I always do, it’s not my fault! Don’t on me lay the blame.
It’s Danny Kemp and all his ilke that have caused such disarray,
Their emails filled my mailbox, and I couldn’t change the day.”
They sat around looking glum, despondent to the core.
Their day was over, destroyed and ruined, of that all were sure.
10: Then came the sound of trumpets, and a far distant call.
It was all the friends of Danny Kemp, they’d hired a sumptuous hall!
Champagne was flowing, glasses were filling, with canapés all laid out on a plate.
Tagged in danny kemp