We speak to critically acclaimed Native Hawaiian author Dorimalia Waiau about her new novel, The Secret Club and Ejad the Inventor—the second entry in her colourful, inspirational and unputdownable ‘Be Manaful’ series of YA adventures. By Matt Shine

Author Dorimalia Waiau

Author Dorimalia Waiau

Q. The Manaful World is such a vivid and imaginative place. How has the series evolved for you from the first book, The Secret Club and the Manafuls, to this exciting sequel?

A The characters have grown and grown on me. Their issues are those faced universally and by people of all ages. Their relationships remind me of my own, helping me in many ways. The darkness they face is metaphoric of personal hardships. Timeless heart and spiritual growth are found within the pages.

Q. Themes of self-forgiveness and forgiving family through love are deeply woven into the novels. Can you share how these themes have shaped the characters' journeys and why this is important to you?

A The characters learn and change at their own pace. Sometimes, improving oneself is the most difficult thing to do. There are many ways to avoid healing. When we make the effort to heal and forgive, life changes. That shift does not always feel good; there is a lot to overcome first. It is important for people of all ages to love themselves, their ‘ohana (‘family’ in Hawaiian) and others. Forgiveness is a step in that direction.

Q. Music is a recurring motif in the Be Manaful series. Why is music such an integral part of the Manaful World, and how does it amplify the story’s themes?

A Music is in the hearts and souls of many people. It comes in many forms and sounds. The characters feel music in their veins and spirits, like the blood and energy within. Through music, we glimpse their pain and joy, minds and hearts.

Q. Hawaiian mythology and culture are at the heart of your books. How do you balance sharing these rich traditions while keeping the story accessible to a global audience?

A Hawaiian mythology and culture are in my soul. I love them. Easa, my co-author, and I alter the traditions metaphorically and give them universal appeal through thematic elements like love, hope, sadness, creation, and more. Taking care of and loving nature is a part of Hawai‘i that resembles cultures and people everywhere. The respect and love of a Higher Power also reflect those of other cultures. There are many parallels between Hawaii and places across the world.

Q. Your characters face many new challenges in The Secret Club and Ejad the Inventor. How do these elements mirror real-life struggles that young readers might face?

A The characters mature and face issues that children and even adults must overcome daily. Topics include identity, homosexuality, menstruation, relationships, healing with the help of animals and pets, religion, and more. It takes time and effort to get through life’s problems. Yet, the characters inspire us to seek help and support as needed, and to be fearless––to be Manaful.

Q. The concept of 'being Manaful' is unique and inspiring. Could you explain this philosophy and how it is shaping the series?

A Mana, or power, comes in many shapes and sizes. We find and create it within ourselves (from God) and from without too (family, friends, work, etc.). Being powerful in all ways—body, mind, spirit, and soul—is my goal for the characters. It is my hope for everyone on Earth. Not all of my characters realise their mana or know how to tap into it, just like many people in the real world. I pray for us all.

Dorimalia Waiau is celebrating the release of The Secret Club and Ejad the Inventor, the second entry in her critically acclaimed ‘Be Manaful’ series of YA adventures.

Q. Your antagonist, Lapu, is certainly menacing. How do you approach creating villains who feel both dangerous and meaningful?

A Lapu is a metaphor for many things and people in the real world. What makes villains dangerous and meaningful is their realism and believability. We all have the capacity to be Lapu. The things he feels, does, creates, and thinks are similar to what humans have done or still do. Humans are capable of tapping into evil feelings or becoming villainous. That is truly scary.

Q. You're now two books into the series. What has most delighted you most from the feedback you've received from readers?

A Children are really honest and filter-free. I have received heartwarming responses. My favourite positive one was, "Pierre helped me be brave about being gay," as that character really inspired him. My least favourite was, "I want the characters to go through hell," commenting on conflict. I smile recalling each one.

Q. Looking ahead, what can readers expect in future instalments of the Be Manaful series, and how will the themes and characters continue to evolve?

A There is definitely more "hell," as that reader requested. The characters grow as they accept more people into their lives for better or worse. The Manaful World faces a power shift unlike any they have faced since the Manafuls were created. All of the characters come to rethink life decisions and appreciate others. Mahalo.

The Secret Club and Ejad the Inventor by Dorimalia Waiau and Easa Mohamed is out now on Amazon . For more information, visit www.dorimaliawaiau.com or follow Dorimalia on X TikTok or Instagram .

Exclusive Extract from The Secret Club and Ejad the Inventor

Enjoy a sneak peek from The Secret Club and Ejad the Inventor by Dorimalia Waiau and Easa Mohamed, the latest gripping entry in the acclaimed Be Manaful series of YA adventures.


Manaful World August 1,

2000 ʻŌmaʻomaʻo Hopohopo City 

Protectors’ Academy 

Twenty-two Years Ago

He was a hell of a killer for being the runt of the family. Ejad Honua could become a top assassin easily. Elder Uli, the Protector’s Academy owner, instantly knew this. The diminutive Hopohopo, empowered with self-made gadgetry, walloped his bullies on that ominous night. Uli saw the entire take-down.

A foot shorter but miles smarter than most dwarves, teenaged Ejad defended himself with gadgetry. Uli was lucky to be near enough to sense the intense emotions involved. He arrived at once to investigate. Upon teleporting to the Academy, the Elder admired Ejad’s small switchblade baton. It was at full extension, dripping maroon droplets.

Elder Uli levitated in the twilight over the empty parking lot, studying the dismembered hands of two Hopohopo teens on the ground below him. His bioluminescent elder’s robe glowed in the spectrum of greens from emeralds to aquas, floating around him with a mind of its own. The magical cloth’s power uplifted him physically and spiritually. Source’s eminence filled his every turn and nod with beauty. But his dark personage lessened its vibrance. He smirked at the fleeing bullies, a blonde and brunette, who sobbed with arms pressed against damp chests. Their severed hands lay haphazardly mismatched, the pale one beside the brown, fingers twitching on the now bloodstained asphalt.

Ejad tapped a button on the metal baton in his hand. The blade folded on itself and disappeared into the weapon’s tip. He closed his eyes and bowed his head as if in prayer, completely stoic. He wasn’t breathing hard nor shaking. He held his shoulders back almost proudly, strangely giving him a taller presence. Backpack at his feet, he rested his weaponed arm against his leg. Uli considered teleporting the weapon back to his mansion in a blink of the eye. But instinct told him the baton wasn’t the most valuable weaponry here. The Elder descended gracefully until the youngster was bathed in the glow of his robes.


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