OMG Baby!
OMG Baby! Is the sequel to my first book Never Google Heartbreak. Viv and Max are reunited and in for a shock as Viv is pregnant.
Please tell us about your first taste of romance.
My first taste of romance is best described through poetry.. ahem...
First love's momento he placed around my neck
A painted pebble on a lace
As we ran down hill towards the beck
It hit me in the face
Then there was blood and a terrible row
Oh Stephen Brown where are you now?
This is the follow up for Never Google Heartbreak, so what can you tell us about your debut novel?
Never Google Heartbreak is a romantic comedy and (mostly) true story of love and loss and the madness that heartbreak can cause. Vivienne Summers is obsessed with her ex so much that she sets up a website for the broken hearted and cannot see the obvious love potential of her scruffy tequila swilling friend Max until its too late.
Please tell us bit more about the characters of Viv and Max.
Vivienne Summers BA (hons) is 32 overly optimistic single minded not thin and funny.
Max Kelly BA is 34 easy going artistic sexy rumpled talented.
They are made for each other except when they clash and then all hell breaks loose.
You have also written and illustrated children’s books, so do you have a preference for writing between the two audiences?
I studied illustration at Putney college of Art and absolutely loved creating the children's picture books. I made a whole series of kid’s books the first was called Hoobaby about the Hoos which are these colourful blobs...ahem, but I always wanted to write novels. I hope to continue with both.
You have three children so how much do they help you do get ideas and edit your children’s books?
My kids are constantly interrupting me with their ideas and characters and they are mostly bonkers like this; 'there was a funny man and he ate a whole lot of soap and then his poo was all bubbles.'
What is next for you?
I'm just completing my third book, starting to plot my fourth and looking forward to Never Google Heartbreak - the film!