I wrote my first story when I was eleven years old. It was an assignment from our English teacher and I called it ‘The Angelina Flowers’. It won first place and was mounted on the wall in our classroom. That small episode in my life gave me the inspiration to write more stories and my love of writing was born.
One of my most favourite Christmas presents ever was a typewriter. I think the clack of the keys and the ding every ten seconds was heard all over our house. I probably drove my family mad. Not to mention the plethora of plasters that always adorned my fingers from getting them stuck between the keys. I miss it.
The idea for In The Shadows came from a strangely comedic dream I had one night. I told my husband all about it the next morning and it was his idea to turn it into a novel. I even dreamed about the eclectic group of ghosts and their nicknames that feature prominently in the book. I’m sure I woke up laughing.
A lot of the little, random, details in my book actually stem from my real life and the lives of those around me. As an example: the main character’s Christmas was a reflection of my own Christmases when I was young. Family was very much at the heart of our yuletide festivities. Plenty of merriment.
My childhood was fairly tame, by today’s standards. We didn’t have a lot of money, but what we had was put to good use. My Mum was an outstanding budgeter. I remember she had a little red tin with dividers in it and she would take the weekly wages and split it into those little slots. We didn’t do a lot, but I wouldn’t swap my childhood for anyone else’s.
I have two older siblings (brother and sister – both much older than I am). My brother was a practical joker, always stitching me up. My sister used to be something of a nemesis and now she’s my best friend.
I’ve never wanted children. I absolutely adore all my nieces and nephews, but I’m happy just being an aunt. I’m an animal lover so the children I do have all have four legs. (Two cats and two dogs.)
I do all my best thinking on my daily dog walks. We usually go up to the forest about twenty minutes from where we live and I wander along talking to myself while my two labs dash off through the trees. It’s a lovely, peaceful place.
I met my husband when I was late sixteen/early seventeen. We got engaged when I was twenty-one, then married when I was thirty-one. I’m now forty-one. He is, and always has been, my whole world. It’s as simple as that.
Christmas, as if you hadn’t guessed, is my favourite time of year. Many things make up a perfect Christmas, but if I had to choose just one, it would be spending time with all the family. You just can’t beat an annual Christmas get-together.
On that note, I’d like to wish everyone out there a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!