Desperate to prove his mother’s death was caused by a supernatural force haunting his hometown, thirteen-year-old Ned discovers evidence linking a missing child to his own quest.

Don't Let Them Take The Children Cover

Don't Let Them Take The Children Cover

Joined by his friends, Ned embarks on a mission to investigate the boy’s disappearance. However, when they uncover their town’s dark secret, they must find a way to stop the unexpected and dangerous enemy without unleashing a greater evil on the world.

The background

R H Williams - his inspiration for 'Don't Let Them Take The Children': 

“Growing up in the Welsh countryside next to a graveyard I had a healthy love of great horror and a very active imagination! I was obsessed by the Ghostbusters movie and the Usborne World of the Unknown book on ghosts was my bible. The inspiration for the book comes from my own adventures hunting spirits and staking out haunted houses! The area I lived in had numerous old buildings and chapels, and tales of hauntings and phantoms were everywhere. Before retiring, my father was a farmer, and one night he was in a field keeping an eye on a pregnant cow that was about to give birth; according to him he drifted off and was awakened by a huge hulking man leaping over the hedge into the field and then running across it, away from him. He claims it was the ghost of a Viking! 

Growing up, tales like these were not uncommon, and much like the setting of the book, it seemed like every corner of the area had a spooky tale associated with it. Ghost stories were frequently told, and many spoke of experiencing something strange going bump in the night! There was once a spate of sightings of a shrouded figure around the village we lived in, and I set up a squad to investigate the apparent hauntings. I didn’t have a camera and this being the late 80s no one certainly had a camera phone. My ‘genius’ idea was to approach a boy at school who was great at art and pitch to him that he would hide in the bushes near a graveyard where most of the sightings had happened, and we would coax out the shrouded figure from its hiding place with the aim being that our artist friend would use his drawing skills to capture an image of the ghost and thereby prove its existence, and the squad under my leadership, would become famous for finding proof of the afterlife. Long story short, it didn’t work.”

RELEASE DATE:  28/09/2024    ISBN: 9781835740347     Price: £9.99

 R H Williams Fact File

Image of folk horror writer H R Williams
Author H. R. Williams

After gaining a Ph.D. in Molecular Epidemiology, soon realised he’d rather write about science than do it. His day job involves teaching doctors worldwide the latest developments in medicine. He lives with his wife and two children in the Welsh countryside. His debut novel, The Madness of the Faithful, was published by Troubador in 2022. Don’t Let ‘Em Take the Children is his second novel.

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