Every day we all experience negativity, whether it be feelings, emotions, actions, behaviour or self-talk within ourselves or from others. For many people it causes them to sabotage success, relationships, health, wellbeing and finances, ultimately preventing them from fully experiencing their life and living their dreams.

Clayton Ainger
What is negativity? Negativity is a natural and normal psychological and physical message from your mind, body and soul, letting you know that something is not quite right or how you believe it should be. Its primary purpose is to keep you safe. But there is so much more to negativity…
What is its purpose? There are patterns to your negativity. It has meaning! That is why the same things keep happening over and over again! There is something fundamental that you need to learn that will help you in your life, to heal some aspect(s) of your life that you are unhappy with! The combination of your negative self-talk, thoughts, feelings, actions, behaviours highlight a pattern or a key that will help you to understand and decipher the meaning so that you can eventually live an Ego free identity. This is called the Ego's Code .
The challenge is that most people never pause to wonder why something keeps happening to them; they just make it bad or wrong and call it bad luck!
Is negativity bad or wrong? It can be easy to dismiss negativity as being innately detrimental in your life, but in truth it is the reactions to our negativity (and the subsequent outcomes or impact our reactions have on us emotionally and on our lives), which result in detrimental outcomes for us. Understanding your negativity is the first step to living a more positive and happier life.
The most important thing you need to understand about negativity is that ALL forms of negativity are echoes or whispers of your past. Every time you experience a negative thought, feeling, emotion, action, behaviour or self-talk, you are reliving an event from your past, in the here and now.
All negativity is energy that has a unique energetic signature. The great thing about energy is that it can be changed, released or transformed into something that will serve you rather than incapacitate or hinder you. So, if you change the meaning and name of the negativity to something that is natural, something you can learn from, watch what happens! Crazy, I know, especially when it makes you feel so bad. I promise that when you start to do this and the more you do; you will see evidence of the change in your life too! It will transform on all levels.
In order to live a truly happy life, you must focus on using your negativity as fuel for change. Happiness comes from within and must be nurtured to grow and flourish. Making changes can be daunting, sometimes necessitating sacrifice. If we want to make a change, it is often because we are unhappy with the current situation. The best way to make any change is to give yourself permission; focus on choosing what is right for you and allowing your choices to thrive.
To learn more about the truth behind your negativity, and to learn how to use your negativity to improve your life, check out my book The Ego's Code. Designed to help you learn how to decipher your own Code and stop sabotaging your success, The Ego's Code offers fresh insights and simple yet powerful exercises to enable you to change your reality and ultimately to live your dream life.