Get Published on Female First

Get Published on Female First

So, you have worked it all out, have no doubt;

done the sums, balanced the equation; shout

‘eureka’. Why not, for you I am pleased. I do ask

that share if you wish, but leave me to my task.


Certain, I am not; never will be; it is my choice.

I do not dine a la carte. Doubt is my voice,

a smorgasbord my preferred way to dine.

Happy for you I am, your certainty will not be mine.


You call it god, you call it illumination;

for me, life is a process of examination.

I will not pass, there are always more tests.

Come what may, I will do my best.


So, my life is a mess, that’s how it goes;

not neatly packaged, like a sitcom show.

I make mistakes, dream big dreams;

discover that nothing is what it seems.


I can cite philosophy to advance my case:

epistemology, pedagogy I can embrace.

Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle I can attest,

measure what you can, guess the rest.


So, you have worked it all out, have no doubt;

done the sums, balanced the equation; shout

‘eureka’. Why not, for you I am pleased.

As for me, I would rather my knowledge increased.

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