When you write within the romance genre, you become part of a very supportive community of writers. As writing is a solitary affair, the connections made are important. The friendships formed can be supportive, affirming and mutually beneficial.
And like any friendship, these connections need to be maintained. A meet up, a hello or retweet on Twitter, a Facebook share, all go a long way to letting someone know you are there. (It also provides an excuse for spending too much time on social media, but we won’t dwell on that!)
Whether virtual, real, or imagined in a novel – female friendships thrive where there is an element of commitment. With many influential women in my life: my 81-year-old mum, three older sisters, and three daughters, as well as close female friends and colleagues, my writing frequently includes strong female relationships.
In The Purrfect Pet Sitter, a second chance romance novel, the story of Lisa and her first love Nathan Baker, takes centre stage. However, the exploration of the reconnection between Lisa and her once-best friend Felicity was a joy to write.
Felicity is no vacuous rom-com sidekick. Her life has moved on. She is married with four children and has problems of her own. She has grieved the loss of the friend she thought would always be there and has coped with some challenging circumstances in her absence. In short, she hasn’t been waiting in the wings ready to rush to the aid of her floundering friend.
The interaction between the two reflects this but also incorporates their past, the shared memories, the in-jokes, the things only best friends would know about each other. Writing their characters, and the moments they share was touching as if I was privy to their lives and bond (writers are crazy people). I hope as people read the novel, they enjoy spending time in their company, as much as I did.
The Purrfect Pet Sitter, described as "A heart-warming romantic comedy, filled with friendship and love", is released in paperback and audiobook on 6 August. It is available from all good bookshops and online stores. Carol's latest book, Maybe Baby, is now out as an ebook. Further information on both titles is available from publisher Ruby Fiction, part of multi award winning women's fiction publisher, Choc Lit. www.rubyfiction.com