Hi friends. I’m Cameo Renae, author of Of the Blood, which was shortlisted in the Kindle Storyteller Awards.

Of The Blood

Of The Blood

I was asked what I’ve been doing during lockdown. For one, I’ve been eating way more snacks than I should be. Ha! It’s been a challenge being cooped up at home, but being a full-time writer, I’m used to being alone for long periods of time, headphones on, tuning out life so I can slip away into one of my fantasy worlds. So, I guess lockdown hasn’t affected me too much. But I can’t wait to travel again and visit family members. All we can do is hope for the best and pray this all ends soon.

When I’m not writing, I enjoy watching movies or playing board games with my family. Yahtzee and Rummikub are two of our favorites, and most of the time, I lose. Which is why they love playing with me.

In my independent time, I love drawing. I’ve doodled and sketched ever since I can remember, and this year, I began studying and practicing digital art. I recently had my first commission for character art for an author, and she loved it.

On some weekdays, I’ve been helping my grandson with his home studies, and holy crow, what a task! I have a new love and respect for educators. Trying to get a nine-year-old to sit still and concentrate on zoom classes for a six-hour school day—and help with homework? It’s madness. And at the end of the day, I’m even more exhausted than he is. On those days, extra caffeine is a must.

Being shortlisted in the Kindle Storyteller Awards has been such an incredible adventure. When I got the call from London, England, that Of the Blood was shortlisted, I was absolutely shocked. Then, after the call, I cried while my husband patiently waited for me to explain what had happened.

I recently completed my first radio interviews, which I think went well. I don’t recall much, except how hard my heart was beating and fast my pulse was racing. It’s funny how everything I know flies right out the window when someone asks me a question about my books. But I took notes, so it wasn’t too bad.

All the Kindle Storyteller representatives have been wonderful to work with, and I love listening to their British accents. A total plus for this American!

I am thrilled and honored and humbled to have been one of five, chosen out of thousands of fabulous writers. And being the only American . . . well, that makes it an even greater victory. I already feel like a winner. I mean, there aren’t many individuals who can add an achievement like this to their resume. It’s a huge deal, and an accomplishment I can be proud of for the rest of my life.