No word can define itit is beyond speech.
No color can justify it
it is beyond sight.
No instrument can play it
it is beyond sound.
No food can feed it
it is beyond taste.
No feel can touch it
it is beyond sensation.
Beyond every sense
I have, and still
I found it.
UndefinedI know its name.
InvisibleI see its beauty.
I know its song.
TastelessI have it on my lips.
UntouchableI know its texture.
It’s a mystery to some
a problem for others
and a blessing for few.
Beyond a color;
a face, yours.
Beyond a sound;
a voice, yours.
Beyond a taste;
a kiss, yours.
Beyond a sensation;
a presence, yours.
I think they call it,
“being in love”.
I know they
underestimate it.