I wrote my first story when I was at primary school. It was about a thief who stole the crown jewels and then didn’t know what to do with them. I’ve not stopped writing since.
![Bella Osborne](/image-library/port/1000/b/bella-osborne.jpg)
Bella Osborne
I am a project manager by profession and a compulsive planner by choice which comes in very handy when writing a novel. I also love writing lists, like this one.
I like to wear men’s socks. Before you close this website down in disgust please let me clarify – these are not stranger’s socks, I do not approach men at random for their socks. I simply prefer them as they are usually longer and therefore warmer.
I am a huge Richard Curtis fan and I honestly believe if it wasn’t for him, making Rom Com popular, my books would most likely never have been published. As a nod to his genius I have a character called Bernard in my first book ‘It Started At Sunset Cottage’ because Richard almost always has an inept character called Bernard in his stories.
I feel the cold. If everyone else believes the temperature to be comfortable then I am usually cold and when I am just right everyone else is overheating. I have been known to take a hot water bottle to bed with me in May!
I’ve been bitten three times by three different dogs. Despite this I am still very much a dog lover. I always have an animal in my stories and in ‘Escape to Willow Cottage’ I chose the biggest dog I could think of, an English Mastiff, and I called her Doris.
I am a self confessed stationery–aholic. I just love stationery and especially notebooks. You may think it is very apt as I’m a writer but it’s actually deadly. It means I think I have a cast iron reason to buy notebooks that I really don’t need. But sometimes they are just too pretty to leave them in the shop.
In the name of research I have:
- attended a woodturning class
- learnt some signs at Deaf Club
- driven through a ford at various speeds
- drunk a lot of gin and gin based cocktails
- had long conversations with experts about bats, fostering, film sets, various medical conditions, stingrays, marriage annulment and a myriad other odd things
When I was a child I had an imaginary friend. He was called George and he was a Labrador.
I like to skip (I don’t mean the exercise with a rope kind of skipping). I cannot understand why we only skip as children and it is beyond me that polite society thinks you are slightly odd if you skip instead of jog. You cannot skip and not smile – it’s the perfect natural pick me up. Go on try it!