Love Virtually by Daniel Glattauer

Love Virtually by Daniel Glattauer

When Emmi sends an e-mail to the wrong address, little did she know that she would fall for the mistaken contact.

After a few e-mail exchanges, Emmi and Leo begin to find themselves in an online romance full of drama and erotic tension.

This book celebrates how the internet has become a major role in society and how it affects relationships.

The plot toys with the idea of how cyber space is another dimension from reality. In Emmi's case it really is.

Emmi's character is well developed however the reader will either love or hate her, depending on the reader's view on the issues expressed in the book.

Visually the book is easy to read,written in continuous e-mails Emmi and Leo send eachother. It's like snooping into their inboxes, naughty, yet this time you're invited to read.

Brilliantly written with added humour. The perfect gift for Valentine's day.

"Love Virtually" is out 14 February 2011, £9.99 hardback.

Naomi Havergal

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