Get Published on Female First

Get Published on Female First


Each day I ask the question

Do I?

Do I what?

Do I have them?

Can I do them?


Can I do them?


I ask the question daily,

it plays on my mind,

gets into my dreams.

I wait for the no,

She has the answer and keeps it hidden.

I ask, can I do it?

She hides the answer and keeps the truth.

We all ask the question,

we all seek the truth,

only one has found it, from another.

Her friends betray her and spill her secrets.

He knows his answer, he sees his truth.

I want my answer, I want my truth.


Can I?


Philip Mills lives in Hartlepool in the North East of England. He is currently doing an English Literature and English Language degree at Bangor University North Wales.

'My interest in writing began at a young age were I would write stories about myself going off on adventures with my brothers and sister. Since then I've always been a keen writer, writing mainly short stories and often writing poetry when inspiration sprang out at me.'