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At the hall of mirrors, I was a reflectionless man.

They thought I was a damned vampire from Tran-

sylvania, sucking life from all, whenever I can.

I was just an ordinary horrifying, morbid or-

gan player, walking into Mordor with a sore cor-

nea, staring blindly at evil eyes, believing a lore.

Yet it was distorted like everything in 1984.

I passed by their illusions, killing my time,

spilling my rhymes while spine chilling crimes were not on my mind. Unrequited love was in the lime-

lights as I was a blind guardian of my heart, playing all bard's

songs, thanks to drunks, cheats and fakers who hit me hard.

My heart was broken so I picked up my pride and glass shards.

I cried and asked myself: what's the right way to play my cards?

I stared into another mirror and actually liked what I saw.

But angel's wings were left, right next to devil's claws.

I've said it many times but I wasn't awed by the flaw

when I was trapped and played with by this Jigsaw.

In hindsight, this one seduced me with cute charms

but it proved that the third time is truly a harm.

She was Venus de Vilo if I broke off both her arms.

I visited the horror hall again and I've found my reflection.

I can't help but wonder why it shows pure perfection?

This has to be another trick from the wicked house.

There's no way the other side can be a thous-

and times more beautiful than I will ever be.

Made in Romania? No, it must be made in Beverly

Hills, where stars are made that most will never see.

I can't tell for sure but her face will glow more

when I scream these lines till my throat's sore

so they can hear it in Dej, Mars and Côte d'Or.

"My phoenix, if you can hold me, I'll never be gone

since I'm the ugly duckling, compared to this swan.

I'll be under your wings when we realize this is no con.

We'll be here, from dawn till dusk and from dusk till dawn."

Natchai Leenders is a 24-year-old American Studies graduate from Nijmegen, the Netherlands.

'I started writing poetry in June 2007 and have developed my style from a spontaneous style to an energetic mixture of rap, slam poetry and a bit of Beat. My main inspirations are Martin Walkyier (Sabbat/Skyclad/The Clan Destined), Eminem, Jello Biafra (Dead Kennedys), Amiri Baraka, John Cooper Clarke and early Allen Ginsberg. What can you expect from me? Witty, satirical observations of the world around me, lyrics of any genre and emotional outcries. I'm usually all about getting laughs from you but some poems/lyrics will make you shed a tear or two. My poems often contain rhyme, a strong sense of rhythm, pop culture references and lots of word play in English and Dutch.'