Shah Rukh

Shah Rukh

James Bond in Casino Royale, Ranbir Kapoor in Saawariya or Shah Rukh Khan in OSO. The similarity in all these films is it is the man, not the woman, who is the sex symbol. These pretty boys form the epicenter of the many sexualized images that beam at us from the TV and billboards in an industry once dominated by women. Six packs are now giving bursting cleavages and gyrating hips a run for their money.Over sexuality is something they all seem comfortable with. Suddenly the women in the movies have been relegated to saccharine arm candy as they are allowed to join the dancing, however, the arc lights stay firmly on the man shedding his layers as he performs an item number.With inspiration coming straight from Hollywood, Bollywood will definitely not trail far behind? These boys aren't just adding some spice to female fantasies, even the gay community is happily embracing these new icons of erotica. Recently Abhishek Bachchan was voted as Mumbai's gay icon, a title the actor was a trifle embarrassed about, however didn't complain much about, either. Male Sexuality is no longer a hush-hush word. It's now flaunt and flash and so far not a word of criticism from anywhere. The year 2008 seems to be the year of the man as hot babe.