Salman Khan

Salman Khan

Actor, Salman Khan this time doesn’t resort to blogging to hit out at old friend SRK as he has finally opened his mouth about his recent spat with SRK.Salman Khan said, "I cannot really tell you what happened at the party.But I won’t deny that there is a problem between us. There has been this kind of animosity between us for a long time. In fact, this is the third time we have fought. We have tried being friends, but it just doesn’t seem possible. We are different people."Quizzed if he would try to sort out the differences with SRK he said, "No, why should I? Not interested. We are two different individuals. He may be a great person, but his values and scruples are not the same as mine. I can’t continue being a buddy to someone I don’t get along with. I am not the kind who would pretend to be great friends with someone and then back-bite about the person."He finally signs of saying, "It’s sad but that’s how life goes. His way of thinking is totally different from mine. Doesn’t look like we can be friends."Well looks like the Karan-Arjun of Bollywood have finally called off their friendship forever. But we still can have a ray of hope.

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