Are fans taking advantage of Salman's generosity?

Are fans taking advantage of Salman's generosity?

Salman Khan is often seen going out of his way to be friendly with the contestants of 10 Ka Dum, not only by listening to their problems but also often helping them out financially.The controversial actor’s close friends, however, feel that people are taking advantage of Salman’s emotional nature and generosity. His family has now appointed two bodyguards to keep the unscrupulous at a distance from Salman.Recently, Habib Mithiborwala, a victim of the 26th July Mumbai flood, appeared on the show. When Salman found out that the young boy had undergone 40 surgeries and was expected to go through more, he took him under his care and promised to pay all of his medical expenses. On another occasion, Salman gifted Rs. 1 lakh to a Mumbai Muncipal Corporation sweeper named, Ghanshyam Baman. Baman, was eliminated in the competition but his zest for life, obvious from a spirited jig that he performed with Salman, touched Khan’s heart. Salman ordered his driver to fetch his check book and wrote out a check for Rs 1 lakh on the spot!Salman savors his interaction with the contestants. He is, however, aware that people take advantage of his generosity. Salman vented his frustration in a blog post, but refuses to curb his proclivity to reach out to those in need of his help.“Despite all this, his charity habit hasn’t stopped. A lot of people continue to approach him everyday to have their medical bills cleared from his Being Human foundation,” adds an actor friend of Salman. “His family members have given up on making him understand and have instead appointed bodyguards to screen the people seeking help.“They were earlier okay with him gifting pricey Rolex watches to his actor friends but he just doesn’t know where to stop,” the friend concludes.

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