Kismat Konnection has confounded the critics, because despite recieving relatively poor reviews the movie has turned into roaring success at the box office.Ramesh Taurami's production was labelled too simple and the climax wasn't unpredictable enough",especially when compared to Taurami's previous film Race which certainly was unpredictable.. Ramesh though defends the film saying that not every film can't have a climax like Race, after all Race was a thriller demanding an unpredictable ending. Kismat Konnection was always meant to be a simple uncomplicated, Taurami said right from the offset was a simple film so was naturally surprised that the critics took the line they did.Meanwhile Katrina Kaif despite the release of much-hyped Singh Is Kinng has been maintaining a surprisingly low profile in the media.Rumour has it is that its down to the constant harrasment by the Mumbai pressover the infamous Salman - Shah Rukh spat that happened during her birthday party in Mumbai recently.No doubt the stunning actress will emerge soon to carry out the pre-launch publicity for Singh Is Kinng being the true proffessional she is.

But if any journalist wanting to ask her about that fight at her birthday party will no doubt recieve short shrift

Singh Is Kinng releases internationally on Thursday August 7.