The world's oldest person has died at the age of 117.

Maria Braynyas Morera has died aged 117 (c) Instagram

Maria Braynyas Morera has died aged 117 (c) Instagram

Maria Branyas Morera, from Spain, had lived through two pandemics and two world wars but her passing was announced by her family on social media on Tuesday (20.08.24).

In a post on Morera's X account, they said: "Maria Branyas has left us. She has gone the way she wanted: in her sleep, at peace, and without pain."

They also wrote that she had told them in the days before her death: "I don't know when, but very soon this long journey will come to an end.

"Death will find me worn down from having lived so much, but I want to meet it with a smile, feeling free and satisfied."

Morera was born in the US in 1907 before her family returned to Spain when she was a child. She had spent the past 23 years living at Residencia Santa Maria Del Tura - a nursing home in the Catalan town of Olot.

She had been acknowledged as the world's oldest person by the Guinness World Records in January 2023 and her title now passes to the 116-year-old Japanese woman Tomiko Itooka.