UFOs could be trying to save Earth from nuclear war.

UFOs could spare the human race from nuclear war

UFOs could spare the human race from nuclear war

A number of mysterious flying objects have been spotted near military sites and researcher Robert L. Hastings has theorised that they could be attempting to warn the human race about the threat posed by nuclear conflict.

Hasting wrote in his new book 'UFOs and Nukes': "Perhaps they have a use for our planet, let's say for scientific purposes, and know that global nuclear warfare will disrupt their data-gathering and/or experiments.

"For whatever reason, those piloting the UFOs - whose origin and intentions were unknown - appeared to be very interested in the facilities associated with America's atomic weapons programme."

The expert has called for a "public effort" to be put into finding out who is piloting the extraterrestrial crafts.

He wrote: "A public, grassroots effort must be made in the interim to understand the nature and intentions of those who pilot the UFOs."