A UFO researcher claims to have "found his purpose" after being visited by aliens.
Ryushin Malone insists that he was visited by a pair of translucent alien beings who were hoping to harvest his adrenal glands and is convinced that extraterrestrials are sacrificing and consuming humans.
Malone - who hails from the US state of Maine - told the Daily Star: "I was sitting there and I felt a touch underneath my chin and it lifted up my head.
"I looked down and I could see a translucent being in front of me with big eyes, a small, maybe three-foot-tall see-through creature.
"And another creature stepped around from the side of it with an Iron Rod and put it up against my neck. Then that creature disappeared.
"The first creature then lowered my head down and then stepped back and disappeared.
"After that, I was like, oh, my God, they're real. They're here."
Malone has devoted his life to exploring aliens since the 2017 incident and is convinced that they have been living amongst the human race for thousands of years.