A corner shop is being targeted by thieving squirrels.

Sweet-snatching squirrels
The owner of Luke's Grocery in Toronto, Canada, has appealed for urgent help because two wild rodents keep dashing into his store, snatching chocolate bars and making a run for it out the front door with the sweet treats in their mouths.
Speaking to CBC.ca, Paul Kim - who owns the shop - said: ''At least two squirrels are robbing us. A black one (or more) and a light brown one (or more). Though we can't see it the moment it commits the theft because the bars are displayed below the counter, we can hear a distinct rustling. When we come around the counter to try to catch it, we can see the squirrel running off with the bar in its mouth.
''It's slower than normal by that point, obviously because it has a huge and heavy chocolate bar in its mouth, but it's still hard to catch. We tried running after it, but it's still faster. A couple of times, passerbys and customers tried chasing after it with us, but once it goes up a tree, it's game over.''
Mr Kim and his daughter Cindy have been using Facebook to help them log how many chocolate bars have been taken by the greedy pests since last October.