Getting an extra hour of shut-eye could help overweight people shed a half a stone a year, a study has suggested.

Sleeping more can lead you to eat less calories

Sleeping more can lead you to eat less calories

Researchers at the prestigious University of Chicago looked at the sleep time and calorie intake of 80 people and found that those who slept more ate roughly 270 less calories on average.

Following their findings, the scientists have called sleep being a vital part in the fight against obesity and medical advice as over half of Britons and Americans are fighting the battle of the bulge. Previous studies have suggested that sleep length and quality can impact diet and your waist band.

Dr Esra Tasali, the lead author said: “If healthy sleep habits are maintained over longer duration, this would lead to clinically important weight loss over time.”

“Many people are working hard to find ways to decrease their caloric intake to lose weight — well, just by sleeping more, you may be able to reduce it substantially.”