Showing off about stress at work does not go down well with colleagues.

Office workers who brag about stress are unpopular with colleagues

Office workers who brag about stress are unpopular with colleagues

A new study claims that employees who partake in 'stress bragging' are seen as less competent and less likeable by their co-workers.

Those who brag about stress may be attempting to generate sympathy for their heavy workload but this approach can end up having the opposite impact.

Professor Jessica Rodell, lead author of the study at the University of Georgia's Terry College of Business, said: "This is a behaviour we've all seen, and we all might be guilty of at some point.

"When I was wondering about why people do this, I thought maybe we are talking about our stress because we want to prove we're good enough.

"We found out that often backfires. People are harming themselves by doing this thing they think is going to make them look better to their colleagues."